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We understand the power of communicating the gospel through production and technology! Our mission is to become the technical backbone support team for churches. Production can be a confusing, difficult and intimidating thing for so many. So we exist to make this aspect of service a smooth one.
Our expectations of our team members is to have the passion and drive to get the job done the right way. There will be days that are long and difficult. But in spite of that, we strive for excellence in satisfying or customers as we create and build their worship and productions systems. This is what dreams are made of. At Teklite, we shine brighter.
Freelance Field AVL Technician
This position will be required to:
- Put together AV Systems for our clients as built by our engineering team.
- Participate in team zoom calls per project.
- Report to sales and engineering teams.
Job Location Varies Per Job
Salary Will Be Discussed Upon Interview.
This is a Contractor Position
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